Data Protection Declaration

1. General Information

The term "personal data" refers to individual information about personal or factual matters concerning an identified or identifiable individual.

Collection, storage, modification, transfer, and usage of personal data will be conducted only within the limits permitted by law or with your explicit consent. You retain the right to revoke any granted authorization at any time, effective immediately.

It's important to note that data transmission over the internet, such as in email communication, is not entirely secure. Absolute protection against third-party access is not guaranteed.

2. Service Provider

Our internet service provider collects and stores personal data in "log files" automatically transmitted by your browser. This includes the date and time of the request, the referrer URL, the host name of the accessing computer, your operating system, and details about your browser.

3. Contacting Us

When you contact us (e.g., through our website's contact form, email, or live chat), we store personal data to process your request and address any subsequent questions.

During registration and ordering processes on our website, we collect, store, and use data visible in the respective entry mask, as well as your IP address, solely for the purpose of establishing, executing, or terminating your contract.

4. Payment Processes

If third parties are involved in payment services (e.g., PayPal), data required for payment processing will be transferred to them. Data received during registration and ordering processes, as well as your IP address, will be collected, stored, and used for the sole purpose of managing your contract.

5. Cookies

Our website utilizes 'cookies,' small text files stored on your device until deleted. While internet browsers may allow you to restrict cookie use, limiting or deleting cookies may impact the functionality of our website.

Data processed by cookies is necessary for the aforementioned purposes to protect our legitimate interests and those of third parties, as outlined in paragraph 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

6. Google Analytics

For demand-oriented design and continuous optimization of our pages, we use Google Analytics, an internet analysis service by Google Inc., USA.

Google Analytics employs 'cookies,' and information generated about your website usage is generally sent to and stored by Google in the United States. Google uses this information on our behalf to evaluate your use of our website, prepare website activity reports, and offer services related to website and internet usage.

For further information, please refer to Google Analytics Terms and Google's Policies.